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Вторник, 2024-Май-14, 22.48.39
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 74
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 74
Anna, constantly kept an eye on aside Sashi, having felt something wrong, concerned the hands Phil:
-- Valera, there, in my opinion, presently something will.
Phil instant turned and haved time to to see, as вскочивший Linen with range has crushed on Kaverinskuyu bald spot брызнувшую a splinter bottle...
-- N-da... Genofond... -- indifferently has swung the head a Cordon...
Accustomed to like incident personnel casino quickly and has skilfully discharged the situation. Kaverina with stained with blood by head have then and there hidden from eye enjoying clienteles in first-aid station, Belovu in the most correct form have intimated on that time to him, as it is spoken, and honour to know...
-- Alexander Nikolaevich, you our regular customer, and we always glad to see you, but... -- expressing the most deep regret, bleated some хмыренок from administration casino. Herewith he, as bad actor, that and deal закатывал глазенки and заламывал ruchonki. -- But today, in communication with happened...
Caught me it is correct, so awkwardly you about this ask...
-- Will Go, Phil... -- White was turned to friend, not having awarded manager even glance.
They came down downwards, to cloakroom. The Tall guard at the door offended пробасил:
-- Alexander Nikolaich, well with all agreed: casino -- peace zone, without stripping...
-- Not account scientist, -- отмахнувшись, has ed tot. -- consider;think;count that I Saddam Huseyn.
-- Concretely with you, халдей, nobody did not agree, -- has hastily put(deliver)ed the guard on place Phil and gave White palito. -- Well, Sash, have gone.
-- Have Gone... -- вяло noded that and obediently вдел of the hand in sleeve coat.
He turned back and VWXbe drafty glass door has seen Annu. The Girl of the broach in hand goblet, a little concerning him their own voluptuous, brightly-накрашенных lips. Her(its) frank glance has forced White to stop.
In second he has resolutely thrown with shoulder coat.
-- No, Phil, -- on his(its) gloomy person newly выползла блудливая улыбочка.
-- Have Not gone...
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