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Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 75
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 75
Snyav coat, Cordon threw him(it) on back of the easy chair and on-master's passed further. He was in yesterday's suit -- see, this night he has conducted outside of building.
-- What your сучье deal, girl? -- indifferent voice was notified he.
-- Please, not to swear, -- having winced, has asked Anna.
-- Zatknisi, манюрка! -- has raised the voice a Cordon. And then and there having turned round to landlady, wholly has politely asked: -- So better?
Anna kept silent. The Cordon satisfied хмыкнул, has took out of necks butterfly and шагнул to door of the bedrooms. In the same second they распахнулись -- on threshold of the room in one coward appeared White. He looked like вурдалака -- всклокоченный, shaggy, with помятым, одутловатым by person and red eye.
Tearing mouth, White long зевнул and вперил in продюсера gloomy glance, not foreshadowing that no good.
-- Andrey-sparrow, you that, in eye to give? -- scratching occasionaly bosom, hissed asked he.
The Cordon, it is necessary to return him due, did not be lost. Instant having turned round, he vividly дунул to output, having caught with easy chairs its coat.
-- Anya, I ring;phone, -- threw he on threshold.
-- Shall wait... -- biting has answered she haved time to be already slammed door.
Anna turned to Sashe and broke the vitrolic chuckle. The Linen too tried to smile though him-that was quite not before laughter. The Head after yesterday's literally split from stupid pain. Smuschenno rubbing forehead, he has asked:
-- Ani, beside you brine no?
-- Find...
While Linen was splashed in ванной, Anna has prepared him опохмелку. She has filled the мутноватый brine in graceful high goblet and has put there straw.
Crowned the composition a slice salty cucumber, flirtatious vested on edge of the goblet, on manners of the usual lemon for cocktails.
When Sasha, washed and combed, entered on kitchen, Anna has stretched him fruit of their own diligences.
-- Here is умничка... -- from showers has praised the landlady Sasha.
He has pulled out the straw, has at one gulp dranned the goblet and, not asking, has filled itself else from prudent left on table liter banks.
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