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Понедельник, 2024-Май-13, 22.31.55
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 86
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 86
-- Boys, but possible I with you посижу?
-- Well certainly, sit, pope(pa)s... -- Cosmos strerched for chair.
The Linen has clever uncorked the bottles and has poured the beer on high goblet.
-- Your health, sonny, -- YUriy Rostislavovich has placed the hand on sound shoulder Kosmosa. -- You not scare;frighten me more so, yes and friends their own -- too.
-- Exactly, -- поддакнул Sasha. -- I shook simply while before "Sklifa" flew...
All three were amicably enclosed to goblet. The having Drenched napkin mouth, YUriy Rostislavovich смущенно откашлялся.
-- Here beside us acoustics good, I vapour(pair) of the phrases has heard... Possible I shall tell you parable one, me her(its) else year in fifty восьмом have told, but I have lifelong remembered... Two frogs have fallen into pitcher with молоком. Heard? No?
So here is, one of they have said: all, us be not chosen, fight senselessly -- and has sunk. The Second has said: well no, I simply so not сдамся -- and the whole night sailled, beat the paw... А to morning she has shaved off from молока butter and was chosen. Here is so.
Sasha smirked and suddenly caughted the glance of Cosmos, addressed father -- unusually warm, nearly tender. YUriy Rostislavovich once again откашлялся and got the cigarette.
-- Here is such parable, -- has mumbled he and was turned to Belovu. -- Sash, give cigarette-lighter.
That has started the hand in pocket of the coat. The Cigarette-lighter turned out to be under some thick, in several times built paper. Without всякой of the back thought he has pulled out on light disturbed paper.
.Это was a card CHechni, variegated blue pencil mark.


Passed nearly three weeks. For this short time a great deal changed, and in the first place -- Cosmos. All his(its) загулы remained in past, he became the quiet of water and below herbs. Similars, he refused even from coke -- anyway, with this gunk his(its) more nobody did not see.
Cosmos once again became be interested by deals of the Crew. Here is already second week, not too handily toddling on crutch, he each day arrived in office and with diligence of the diligent pupil bottomed in new deal for itself. About its attitude to project "Regard, the weapon!" he more and did not stammer. Probably, he was assigned by purpose to prove the friends, yes
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