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Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 87
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 87
and to itself, probably that cross on him to put else early. So this was or no, but all were sincerely pleased this unexpected change.
Was through with пьянкой and White. But with him was quite other history. He on the whole spool has twisted the novel with Anyutoy. The Integer by days he безвылазно protruded beside it building, in office nearly did not appear, but if and appeared on часок-another, that was задумчив and laconic. He as if speculated on some massive problem, but be divided by their own doubts nor with whom did not want.
Such is his(its) behaviour in earnest disturbed Phil. He feared that Linen heaves on this актрисульку capital, not on fun. This suspicion tensed him(it) on full program, Phil even was going to at event to speak to Sashey on shower on this delicate subjects.
But Bee... The Bee was with head occupied only one -- chechen project.
When he thought about that, what enormous деньжищи are embedded in this enterprise, beside it from emotion were covered afterwards palm. But when he estimated, what profit must bring the deal, beside he began to spin the head.
Today, there was next communication link with accompanied cargo Kaverinym -- penultimate from scheduled. While all went orderly, but than closer was a finish of the route, that сильнее increased the tension in office of the Crew.
That is why today beside telephone in cabinet White were going to all four.
Linen Itself and Bee sat for round table for counsels, on which stood the most usual office "Panasonic". They both замерли in one and same pose of the nerve-racking waiting -- having leaned;leanted heavily on on table, they have lowered the chin on clenched a fist and did not reduce the eye with silent device.
A little at a distance Cosmos settled down in easy chair. The Sound hand he has embraced бюстик Socrates and absently stroked from time to time the gypsum head of the philosopher. He too was agitated and now and then was taken on обыкновению chew the lips.
Kept cool, seemed, only Phil. He wholly was occupied its loved toy -- новехонькой stylish "Berettoy". Having Collapsed in easy chair beside input he with enthusiasm analysed the gun, with genuine interest considering his(its) mechanical stuffing.
Sasha скосил of the eye on watch.
-- How much there? -- has asked the Bee, getting from pack "Kemela" next cigarette.
-- Twelve minutes fourth.
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