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Вторник, 2024-Май-14, 13.26.27
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 92
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 92
-- I go shall, nothing?
Sasha with surprise has noticed that his(its) wife obviously feels nervous. He has silently noded, Olya откашлялась and was taken read, pacing билиотека on room.
-- Signifies so. The Linen Alexander Nikolaevich is accused in the following crimes: "a" -- neglects the семьей, "b" -- does not want to do the repair, "d" -- forces to use the credit cards, "g" -- carries the stubble, which колется, "d" -- thrice without legitimate reasons did not stay at night the building, -- with each new item she became all serious, smile gradually absolutely disappeared with her(its) lica. -- That you можешь to be responsible for essence of the presented accusations? Particularly I interest the last item.
-- About stubble? I was shaved, -- Sasha diversionary has conducted the rear party a palm on cheek.
-- No, about did not stay at night the building, -- wife looked at it strictly, without shade of the smile.
-- But here is this -- net water provocation, -- помотал head Belov. -- I had very difficult period, I provided safety to families. As to...
Olya tried something say, but Sasha has stopped her(its) gesture of the lifted hand.
-- Minutochku! As to the whole rest -- yes goodness sake! Here is compensation.
Sasha has raised stood beside computer case and has got from it plastic file with paper and photography. Carelessly thrown documents on table, he has once again started the play. With screen of the monitor плотоядно зарычали crocks.
Olya sowed;sown beside and with mistrustful type has opened the file. The Documents in her were complitly in english, but on photography were a types of the splendid villa in some south width.
-- And that all this signifies? -- bewildered has asked Oliga.
-- Lodge, -- has explained the Linen, not coming off from igry. -- Court, pool, four bedrooms... The Staff Florida... The Devil, crock-that how much...
Finally before Oli дошло -- was sold her(its) old and fondest daydream. She not once wound the speech with husband about lodge abroad, but every time he than-нибудь was dissuaded. And suddenly -- on you!
-- Sashka! -- Olya has jumped and dashed on husband, coverring him(it) on sofa.
-- Quiet, Oli, you that! Vaniku will wake! -- enough chuckled he.
Категория: Английские статьи | Просмотров: 376 | Добавил: audiua | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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