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Понедельник, 2024-Апр-29, 01.21.51
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 97
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 97
-- Hallo! Yes, Vaha. Here is we wait... -- staccato threw he in tube. Suddenly his(its) brow sharply взметнулись vverh. -- That?! This exactly?! Well, I rining of bells.
On it неотрывно and библиотека alarmed watched three pair(vapour)s eye. Sasha has placed мобильник on table, sowed;sown in its easy chair and has dribbled the friends диковатым by glance.
-- Well that? -- выдохнул Bee.
-- Cargo on acceptance разгрохали, -- has reported the Linen and suddenly... smiled.
On his(its) table зазвонил telephone, and Sasha then and there turned round to him, having hidden from friends its unappropriate smile.
-- Yes, Olechka... -- absolutely has peacefully said he in tube.
The Bee ed to him:
-- That-о-о?!! -- проревел he.
-- Minute... -- threw Sasha in tube and, having closed by her(its) palm, was turned to drugu. -- All, forget -- нету nothing! Adieu, weapon!
The Bee in despair has dropped the head on hands, but Linen, already not таясь, quietly and happily burst out laughing.
-- That you whinny, Sasha? -- candle взвился upwards Pchela. -- That you whinny?
We on such old womans have got!!!
He has grasped with table stack papers and in fury has chucked them to ceiling.
The Linen засмеялся louder.
-- Yes horseradish with them, Pchelkin! That we, old womans not отобьем that?! -- he once again поднес tube to fish soup and has answered the wife: -- Yes no, Oli, all orderly...
The having Compressed palm whisky, Bee has done several unsure steps aside and spiteful прошипел VWXbe drafty стиснутые teeths:
-- Idiot, твою mother!
Similars, he about than-that suddenly guessed.


In the same day, to evening closer, Linen has arrived in Silver boron, in nondescript club, chosen for confidential meeting by his(its) partner on tennis Viktorom Petrovichem Zorinym. Meet him beside Sashi was not nor the most slightest desire, but in established situations to warranties to its safety he could get only from Zorina. Besides, him was not tolerated hear the
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