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Вторник, 2025-Янв-28, 03.17.49
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 100
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 100
-- Well let's, jump... -- has noded the officer. Then and there with бэтээра to wounded спрыгнули two soldiers, but overhand, with armours, stretched immediately several palms. Kaverin библиотека has done the last step and, having rejected stick, tenacious was grasped for the first попавшуюся hand. His(its) in a flash втащили upstairs. Isterzannoe body has pierced the bit to unbearable pain, but Volodya has not published nor sound. He smiled.
"From pain is bared the teeth..." -- has thought, глядя on it, rosy-cheek sergeant.
But this really was a smile. Kaverin smiled since knew -- now he will survive. But signifies -- will avenge.


Even, monotonous drone of the engines enormous "Boeing" wafted the dream.
The First сморило Vanyu, boy snuggled to side full-grown and firmly fell asleep. But soon задремала and Oliga.
The Dream her(its) was an светел and serene. She appeared in the dreams the palms ashore azure warm epidemic deathes, flooded by sunshines broad beach and drowning in tropical verdure blinding-white two-story house. This was her(its) house, and exactly there carried her(it) with Vaney powerful "Boeing".
Awoke Olya that's why that someone carefully concerned her(its) shoulder. She has opened the eye -- on she ed the stewardess.
-- Are Fastened, please, -- has asked the girl.
-- That, we have already ed? -- wondered Oliga.
-- While no, -- stewardess politely smiled and explained: -- Shannon, Ireland. Here we are refuelled and afterwards shall already sit in Kennedy.
Olya has noded:
-- Understandable...
The Stewardess left on passage between кресел further, but Olya, having fastened belt, has recalled the bright pictures interrupted VWVappear in the dreams. She has got from hand-bag its new passport with embedded in it стопочкой photography building in Florida -- was curiously enough compare seen in VWVappear in the dreams with real type. To her(its) surprise, the coincidence was nearly full.
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